Housing Costs Decrease for Owners, Increase for Renters
https://www.parealtors.org/blog/housing-costs-decrease-for-owners-increase-for-renters/?_hsmi=315524761 Call me when you are ready to buy, own your own home...
https://www.parealtors.org/blog/housing-costs-decrease-for-owners-increase-for-renters/?_hsmi=315524761 Call me when you are ready to buy, own your own home...
https://www.parealtors.org/blog/reports-of-land-selling-scams-continue-in-pennsylvania/?_hsmi=313662927 Please call me or a real estate agent if you are ever in doubt...this is just one good reason to use a professional to buy and sell.
https://www.parealtors.org/blog/46-of-sellers-use-the-same-agent-they-did-when-buying/?_hsmi=312605922 A much higher number for me... please call me to buy and sell.
https://wallethub.com/edu/energy-costs-by-state/4833 Screenshot