19 Hoover Drive, Jonestown PA
$215,000 - SOLD for more than asking price!
$215,000 - SOLD for more than asking price!
Are you thinking of upgrading your outdoor living space this year or next?
Some states are fairing better. How do you think PA is doing?
5 Ways You Can Enhance Your Spring Cleaning and Home Maintenance
All real estate is "local," and prices vary, but as a whole. Talk to your agent about prices in your area...
Real estate is local, so ask your agent about your area. But mortgage rates can be more national.
The economic shock hitting the housing market is starting to do some damage
Which Spring task do you look forward to?
Bob Wert, Realtor Visit Bob on Realtor.com too...
960 S. Harrison Street, Palmyra PA 17078 HOMES FOR SALE - LEBANON COUNTY PA CLOSED - Sold for a Great price!