Are Pickleball Courts a Must-Have or a Heck No? Looking to Sell or Buy a home, please call me.
Boomers Outpace Millennials in Homebuying Call me when you are ready to buy or sell... Home selling season is quickly approaching...
Uncertainty reigns in the economy as mortgage rates slide again
Homeowners Remaining in Homes About 12 Years How long have you been in your home? Whether it's 12 years, 2 years or more, call me when you are ready list and sell for the best price and terms.
All-Cash Purchases Down on Existing Homes, Up on New Builds Call me when you are ready to sell your house.
Single Women Outpace Single Men as Homeowners Let's get everyone into their own home.... call me to get started! This Spring should bring more opportunities.
Selling your House… Curb appeal for the Spring and Summer
Majority of Military Members Planning to Buy Over Next Five Years
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Home Affordability Lags, Despite Home Prices Falling Real estate affordability, mortgage programs are, can be still more localized. Ask your Realtor about your areas.